Impressions From a Green Dot

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This past summer, our Past President attended the National SAR 134th Congress, in Lancaster, PA. This article was written by Jerry Gross, capturing his experience as a first-time attendee.
From the SAR Summer 2024 Magazine.
Impressions From a Green Dot Rob Lofthouse 2024-10-06 05:00:00Z 0
Kansas Society Attends National Congress 2024 Rob 2024-07-28 05:00:00Z 0

Monarchs Baseball!!!

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July '24 - Compatriots and friends of Henry Leavenworth, Delaware Crossing, Monticello and Jesse Leavenworth (DAR) joined together in fellowship.
Monarchs Baseball!!! Rob Lofthouse 2024-07-28 05:00:00Z 0

March 25TH Dinner Meeting

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During the March induction of new officers, several awards were also presented. The speaker of the month was Rob Lofthouse, celebrating the 250th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence with a story about the events taking place in April of 1775 on the road to Lexington and Concord.
March 25TH Dinner Meeting Rob Lofthouse 2024-03-29 05:00:00Z 0
African-American Patriot Contributions Rob Lofthouse 2024-02-18 06:00:00Z 0

Original Buffalo Soldier

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George Pettigrew, who was recognized last December as a new Freedom Corps Member, will be our speaker at the 22 February dinner meeting. Mr. Pettigrew is the Executive Vice President and Life Member of the Alexander/Madison Chapter of KC Buffalo Soldiers, a Life Member and Co-Chairman of the Fort Leavenworth Museum Project Committee with the 9th & 10th Horse Cavalry Association, and Chairman of the Frontier Museum of the United States Army Foundation. He is a U.S. Navy veteran living in Kansas City, Missouri with his wife Dana. They have two grown children.
Following his retirement from Ford Motor Company, the time to earnestly research information passed on by his late mother finally became available. This research enabled George to grow in his understanding of how Isaac Johnson, his great grandfather, went from being enslaved to being an Original Buffalo Soldier, and what all that meant.
Following this story, George has become a Certified Oral Storyteller, a Certified Written Storyteller, a presenting member of the Missouri Humanities Speaker's Bureau, Instructor for Oral Storyteller Certification and a newly installed member of the Missouri Humanities Board of Directors. 
Come and join us to learn more about how the Buffalo Soldiers came to be and how they got their iconic name. Over the 150-year historic tale of an Original Buffalo Soldier according to oral family history and military records as told by his great grandson.
Original Buffalo Soldier Rob Lofthouse 2024-01-29 06:00:00Z 0 9th & 10th Horse Cavalry Association,Buffalo Soldiers,Certified Oral Storyteller

2023 Annual Patriot Muster

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Over 100 Compatriots, families, friends and prospective members attended the Annual Patriot Muster last month. Members of the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) and Kansas State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution were also in attendance.
The Henry Leavenworth Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution celebrated their annual Patriot Muster on 12 December, 2023 at The Heritage Center on Delaware Street in Leavenworth.
This Patriot Muster is unique and designed to illuminate American patriots by giving attendees an opportunity to remember and represent their patriot ancestors, recognizing local patriots as Defenders of Freedom, and declaring that patriotism is not limited to ancestry, military service, location or time.


During the 2023 Patriot Muster the Henry Leavenworth Chapter commemorated the 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party and inducted  13 local good citizens into the Henry Leavenworth Chapter Freedom Corps as compatriots of the colonial delegates who met in 1774 to form the First Continental Congress.

The Muster is an annual event held at about this time in December.   
These Compatriots have been selected due to their devotion of time and service in support of our communities.
During the muster, each attendee was given an opportunity to present a brief background narrative on a Patriot of the American Revolution from which they literally or figuratively descend.
Each muster participant also received a commemorative Rising Sun pin. Find out more about the Rising Sun Challenge on this page.

The Heritage Center once again provided an outstanding dinner consisting of baked chicken breast, pork loin with apricot sauce, au gratin potatoes, Catalina blend vegetables, tossed dinner salad, dinner rolls and a dessert. 
Attendees witnessed a stirring recap of American Colonial history as the following individuals were recognized for their present-day service:
Randy Singletary - Bronze Good Conduct
Major Jim Sherley - Law Enforcement
Kelly Fricke - Emergency Medical Service
Amanda Danser - Emergency Medical Service
Dave Davis - Bronze Good Conduct
Jim Bodenheimer - Fire Service
Chief of Police Steve Wayman - Bronze Good Conduct
Dr. Terry Megli - Bronze Good Conduct
Michael Cole - Bronze Good Conduct
Captain Eric Thorne - Law Enforcement
George Pettigrew - Bronze Good Conduct
Patricia Ann Hammond Spencer - Bronze Good Conduct
Anthony O'Connell - Bronze Good Conduct
Bev Mills - Bronze Good Conduct
The following members nominated and sponsored these Defenders of Freedom: John Schatzel, Jerry Gross, Dr. Russ King, Doug Darling, Mark Davis, Neal Hanley, Rob Lofthouse, Darren Hasse, Greg Beck, Vern Welkner, Andy Harvey and Walt Schley
Five Compatriots received their Lifetime Membership Certificates: Darren Hasse, Matthew Archambault, John Schatzel, Jack Geiger and Jerry Gross
For more information about the Henry Leavenworth Chapter or the Sons of the American Revolution, go to our Contact Us page and send in your questions.
2023 Annual Patriot Muster Rob Lofthouse 2023-12-13 06:00:00Z 0 Amanda Danser,Chief Steve Wayman,Compatriot,Dave Davis,Dr. Terry Megli,Freedom Corps,Henry Leavenworth,Jim Bodenheimer,Kelly Fricke,Major Jim Sherley,Patriot,Randy Singletary,SAR
SAR & Bass Pro Shops Create a Classic Rob Lofthouse 2023-11-19 06:00:00Z 0
250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party Robert Lofthouse 2023-11-19 06:00:00Z 0
2023 October Dinner Meeting Rob Lofthouse 2023-10-29 05:00:00Z 0 Henry Leavenworth,SAR,Sons of the American Revolution
African Americans in the American Revolution Rob Lofthouse 2023-09-03 05:00:00Z 0 African Americans Fighting for Independence in 1776

Iwo Jima Anniversary Speaker from Henry Leavenworth SAR

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Compatriot Walt Schley was the guest speaker at the 78th Anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima.
The ceremony was held at Leavenworth National Cemetery on Saturday, March 25th, 2023.
Compatriot Schley is also the former Department of Missouri Commander of the Military Order of the Purple Heart.
Iwo Jima Anniversary Speaker from Henry Leavenworth SAR Rob Lofthouse 2023-04-06 05:00:00Z 0

KSSSAR Conference

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Henry Leavenworth (HL), Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Chapter members attended the Kansas SAR State Society Conference. Chapter member, SAR National Chaplain General, and Kansas SAR President Compatriot Vern Welkner turned over his gravel to incoming Kansas SAR President Brian Wampler. Compatriot John Schatzel was elected Genealogist and Vern Welkner as Trustee. If you or a member of your family are interested in history, genealogy, investigating your heritage or want to become a member of the SAR or DAR you can contact Bennett Dickson. Dickson will trace your family history for you to see if you have a Revolutionary War Patriot. He can be contacted at (913) 702-2253 or email for information.

Picture (L-R) – Chapter President Jerry Gross, Genealogist John Schatzel, SAR Historian General Brooks Lyles, Chaplain General Vern Welkner, Secretary Greg Beck, and Assistant Treasurer Robert Lofthouse
KSSSAR Conference Rob Lofthouse 2023-04-06 05:00:00Z 0

SAR 250th Liberty Tree Celebration

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The Henry Leavenworth Chapter of SAR will plant 13 Princeton Elm Liberty Trees to celebrate America's 250th Anniversary.
Each tree will recognize one of the thirteen colonies which fought for and won their independence from Great Britain in the 18th Century.
SAR 250th Liberty Tree Celebration Rob Lofthouse 2023-04-02 05:00:00Z 0
SAR 250th Memorial Bench Program Rob Lofthouse 2023-04-02 05:00:00Z 0

The 250th Revolution Celebration is Coming!

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SAR Mission is “To celebrate America’s 250th anniversary with Patriotic, Historical and Educational programs which raises the awareness of Americans about our past and help strengthen our democracy.”

The America 250 SAR Committee works on the national, state, and local levels to promote the commemoration of the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution and the establishment of the United States through Patriotic, Historical and Educational programs. 

Some of the ways you can get involved at Henry Leavenworth:

The 250th Revolution Celebration is Coming!  Rob Lofthouse 2023-04-02 05:00:00Z 0

Wreath Laying - Brigadier General Henry Leavenworth

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"Today, on March 21, 2010, we did a wreath laying at the gravesite of Brigadier General Henry Leavenworth, the namesake of the Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution that I am President of.  With us today were the President of The Kansas State Society SAR, the President General of the National Society SAR, and color guards from the Leavenworth High School JROTC and members of the Kansas and Missouri SAR Color Guards.  A wonderful ceremony and very Valley Forge like conditions."
Wreath Laying - Brigadier General Henry Leavenworth Rob Lofthouse 2023-04-02 05:00:00Z 0


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Any male (regardless of age or residence) shall be eligible for membership in the SAR who is a citizen of good repute in the community; and a lineal descendant of an ancestor who was unfailing in loyalty to and rendered acceptable service in the cause of American Independence between 19 April 1775 and 26 November 1783.


The SAR accepts as patriotic service: signing a pledge of association to the patriot cause, paying taxes specifically collected to support the war, serving in a civil capacity, serving in the Continental armed forces or local militia. The SAR does not restrict membership on basis of race, age, color, religion, national origin, nation or citizenship, or residency.


If you are interested in joining the Henry Leavenworth Chapter, please contact our Vice President of Membership by clicking on this link.


  • The Genealogist will research your ancestry and determine if you have a Revolutionary War ancestor.
  • If the Genealogist determines that you descend from a patriot of the American Revolution, he will request copies of your birth certificate and birth, marriage (and death) certificates of your parents and grandparents.
  • The Chapter Genealogist often can find documentation for ancestors from great-grandparents to the patriots but may need some of this documentation from you.
  • The Chapter Genealogist will prepare your SAR application and meet with you so you can review and sign the application and submit payment.
  • Applications for membership in the SAR normally cost $170 which includes genealogical verification and the current year's national, state and chapter dues. The fee for members under 18 is significantly less and there is a cost savings if two or more family members join together.
Membership Rob Lofthouse 2023-03-24 05:00:00Z 0

Welcome to the Henry Leavenworth Chapter!

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Welcome to our Henry Leavenworth SAR history page!  We're glad you found us. We hope you will look around and consider becoming a member.  Our membership benefits are numerous: amazing volunteer opportunities, great social events, educational history, genealogical research assistance, and wonderful relationships with kind, community-minded and patriotic individuals. We are members in good-standing with the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, through our local affiliation, the Kansas State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.
This is your opportunity to contact us with inquiries, questions, or just to say hello!
Welcome to the Henry Leavenworth Chapter! Rob Lofthouse 2023-03-24 05:00:00Z 0

National Society of The Sons of The American Revolution

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Today the SAR consists of over 34,000 members in over 500 chapters in the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Our own Henry Leavenworth Chapter is supported by over 100 members, and the Kansas State Society of which we belong, reports membership in excess of 1,000 compatriots!
Almost 165,000 descendants of the men and women Patriots of the American Revolution have been admitted to the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution since our founding. SAR members include fifteen presidents of the United States, U.S. Army Generals, a U.S. Navy Admiral, a U.S.M.C. fighter pilot, 30 Congressional Medal of Honor recipients, presidents of hundreds of colleges and universities, ambassadors, and members of the Supreme Court, U.S. Senate, and U.S. Congress along with legislators, business-people, blue-collar workers, and professionals in all walks of life. 
We are a living, breathing, and ever-evolving organization that invites Americans to connect to their personal past and civic history.
We are called to make our mark on society and ensure that the stories of our nation’s struggles and our ancestors triumphs are remembered and shared with current and future generations.
National Society of The Sons of The American Revolution Rob Lofthouse 2023-03-24 05:00:00Z 0

Our Mission

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SAR members have also answered their country’s call in every major American conflict beginning with the battle of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, and continuing to the present day, including Operation Desert Storm, Bosnia, and the recent actions in Afghanistan and Iraq. SAR members have received the highest awards America can bestow, including the Medal of Honor.

  • Remembering Our Past….By honoring those who served or assisted the colonies during the Revolutionary War.

  • Promoting Core Values….By protecting our Constitution and perpetuating American ideals and traditions.

  • Shaping Young Minds….By educating our youth about the Constitution and those who developed the American ideals and traditions.

Having an ancestral connection to our nation’s revolutionary era, the SAR is a collegial organization whose mission is to further the founding ideals. As a hereditary society, our members are connected through a shared sense of honor, privilege, and responsibility to perpetuate the “Cause” of the founders to create an inclusive, just society for all.

Our Mission Rob Lofthouse 2023-03-24 05:00:00Z 0