Over 100 Compatriots, families, friends and prospective members attended the Annual Patriot Muster last month. Members of the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) and Kansas State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution were also in attendance.
The Henry Leavenworth Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution celebrated their annual Patriot Muster on 12 December, 2023 at The Heritage Center on Delaware Street in Leavenworth.
This Patriot Muster is unique and designed to illuminate American patriots by giving attendees an opportunity to remember and represent their patriot ancestors, recognizing local patriots as Defenders of Freedom, and declaring that patriotism is not limited to ancestry, military service, location or time.


During the 2023 Patriot Muster the Henry Leavenworth Chapter commemorated the 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party and inducted  13 local good citizens into the Henry Leavenworth Chapter Freedom Corps as compatriots of the colonial delegates who met in 1774 to form the First Continental Congress.

The Muster is an annual event held at about this time in December.   
These Compatriots have been selected due to their devotion of time and service in support of our communities.
During the muster, each attendee was given an opportunity to present a brief background narrative on a Patriot of the American Revolution from which they literally or figuratively descend.
Each muster participant also received a commemorative Rising Sun pin. Find out more about the Rising Sun Challenge on this page.

The Heritage Center once again provided an outstanding dinner consisting of baked chicken breast, pork loin with apricot sauce, au gratin potatoes, Catalina blend vegetables, tossed dinner salad, dinner rolls and a dessert. 
Attendees witnessed a stirring recap of American Colonial history as the following individuals were recognized for their present-day service:
Randy Singletary - Bronze Good Conduct
Major Jim Sherley - Law Enforcement
Kelly Fricke - Emergency Medical Service
Amanda Danser - Emergency Medical Service
Dave Davis - Bronze Good Conduct
Jim Bodenheimer - Fire Service
Chief of Police Steve Wayman - Bronze Good Conduct
Dr. Terry Megli - Bronze Good Conduct
Michael Cole - Bronze Good Conduct
Captain Eric Thorne - Law Enforcement
George Pettigrew - Bronze Good Conduct
Patricia Ann Hammond Spencer - Bronze Good Conduct
Anthony O'Connell - Bronze Good Conduct
Bev Mills - Bronze Good Conduct
The following members nominated and sponsored these Defenders of Freedom: John Schatzel, Jerry Gross, Dr. Russ King, Doug Darling, Mark Davis, Neal Hanley, Rob Lofthouse, Darren Hasse, Greg Beck, Vern Welkner, Andy Harvey and Walt Schley
Five Compatriots received their Lifetime Membership Certificates: Darren Hasse, Matthew Archambault, John Schatzel, Jack Geiger and Jerry Gross
For more information about the Henry Leavenworth Chapter or the Sons of the American Revolution, go to our Contact Us page and send in your questions.