Henry Leavenworth (HL), Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Chapter members attended the Kansas SAR State Society Conference. Chapter member, SAR National Chaplain General, and Kansas SAR President Compatriot Vern Welkner turned over his gravel to incoming Kansas SAR President Brian Wampler. Compatriot John Schatzel was elected Genealogist and Vern Welkner as Trustee. If you or a member of your family are interested in history, genealogy, investigating your heritage or want to become a member of the SAR or DAR you can contact Bennett Dickson. Dickson will trace your family history for you to see if you have a Revolutionary War Patriot. He can be contacted at (913) 702-2253 or email bennettdickson47@gmail.com for information.
Picture (L-R) – Chapter President Jerry Gross, Genealogist John Schatzel, SAR Historian General Brooks Lyles, Chaplain General Vern Welkner, Secretary Greg Beck, and Assistant Treasurer Robert Lofthouse