SAR Mission is “To celebrate America’s 250th anniversary with Patriotic, Historical and Educational programs which raises the awareness of Americans about our past and help strengthen our democracy.”
The America 250 SAR Committee works on the national, state, and local levels to promote the commemoration of the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution and the establishment of the United States through Patriotic, Historical and Educational programs.
Some of the ways you can get involved at Henry Leavenworth:
#1 - Raise awareness of the SAR as a Patriotic Organization and Reenergize America’s Sense of Patriotism. Examples include:
- Color Guard Participation - 4th of July, Veterans Day, Flag Day, Patriots Day, Yorktown Day
- Wreaths Across America
- Flag Retirement
- Honor Flight
- Patriot Sons and Daughters
- Veterans Support
#2 - Make the American Revolution and ‘Our’ Colonial History Relevant Again. Examples include:
- Flag Day
- Our Patriots
- Revolutionary War Timeline
- America 250 Minute
- Traveling Trunk
#3 - Make the SAR a major source for online information on the American Revolution. Examples include:
- Genealogy Workshops with DAR
- Legends
- History Explorers
- Liberty Tree Environmental
- SAR Outreach Education